Continuing my life long love affair with children’s picture books…
Bedtime was a special time of day in my house when I was growing up. My mum, a visual artist, loved them just as much as I did and we would pour over them for what felt like hours. My papa would even made up impromptu folksongs based on my favorite books while playing his guitar. It seemed perfectly natural when the muse, my heart and my brain started teaming up to have me write some of my own.
I am a proud member of my local chapter of SCBWI Western Washington. Since last November 2018, I’ve been part of a 6 month mentorship program as a mentee working with children’s picture book author Lois Brandt.
I’m currently submitting ZOE THE PUNK ROCK UNICORN AND HER IMAGINARY FRIENDS to publishers.
Inspired by making LIGHT ME UP (a short film about the courage of a couple who are struggling to start a family), I’m also working on a companion piece TEARS FOR LADYBUG. My hope is that this children’s picture book will help families talk about what’s going on with older siblings whose parents or family members have had a miscarriage.
If you are interested in reading one of my manuscripts, please reach out through my CONTACT PAGE.